Sunday, September 12, 2010

Not a good start...

This is my first blog post. It may well be my last, as I am on the verge of throwing my macbook out of the window and I'm not sure it would survive plummeting 8 storeys to the concrete pavement below. Occasionally, there are things I feel strongly about, but not that often. These will probably be labelled under 'Ranting' IF I COULD WORK OUT HOW, IN A SIMPLE WAY, YOU CAN DIVIDE YOUR BLOGS IN TO SUB CATEGORIES! I used to be a software engineer, although that was in the days of Windows 3.1. I suspect things have come on from there and evolved to a state of definite computer/ human symbiosis, and probably fiddly procedures that I used to revel in, but now have neither the time nor the inclination for. Someone has pointed out that I should read the introduction. I'm a 38 year old man, I've never heard such a ridiculous idea. My page looks awful as well, and I'm neither patient nor savvy enough to pimp it in the appropriate fashion.

Ooh - what's this little box that says 'Labels:' next to it....